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Tips For Healthy And Fun Family Mealtimes!

Being a new cook can be a bit overwhelming at times. While some people can step in the kitchen and work magic their first time, not everyone is so gifted. The truth is that anyone can learn to cook, it just takes a little time and effort to perfect the techniques necessary. Eventually, you will be able to experiment with different spices, seasonings and ingredients to create new dishes. Continue reading to learn essential advice to help you get on your way.

For a delicious take on pie crusts, bake them for longer than the recipe calls for. It will help if you achieve a darker, more delicious golden caramel color, rather than stopping when the crust is still pale. The darker color results when the sugar from the crust has started to caramelize and will have a much sweeter and crisper flavor.

Run cold water over the onions after you cut them, if you plan to make salsa and keep it more than half an hour. Then use a towel to get the water off the onions. Fresh onions have sulfurous gas in them. Your salsa can be ruined by this gas. Rinsing in cold water and drying the onions first will eliminate this gas.

There are times when you want to keep food warm, such as a large batch of pancakes or waffles, until you are ready to eat. Crank the oven up to 300 degrees. As you make the pancakes or waffles, put them on a plate, and then keep them warm in the oven.

Using chicken broth is something you can try when you're making vegetables. By using chicken broth instead of water, you will add extra flavor to your vegetables. Chicken broth is dirt cheap, and can be bought at any supermarket.

After purchasing unripened fruits, you should put them into a plastic bag with perforations. As the fruits ripen, ethylene gas is produced. In the perforated plastic bag, the ethylene gas will stay trapped, allowing the fruit to ripen deliciously.

Include a variety of colors when you cook. You need to prepare colorful meals to make them look interesting and be healthier. Even if your main meal is dull, use colorful garnishes like herbs, vegetables, or lettuces to spice up your plate! Be innovative in using color, and watch your food get eaten up quickly.

Mix hot milk into your mashed potatoes, rather than boiled milk. Bypass the cold milk if you want mashed potatoes to be fluffy with a light texture. Nobody really wants lumps in their mashed potatoes!

Many vegetable and herbs give off a smell that tends to remain in your chopping board, even though you scrub it over and over again. Mark your chopping board using indelible ink in order to keep track of which side you used.

Cooking is a very useful skill for you to have, whether you are taking care of a whole family or just yourself. No matter what type of cooking you like, these tips have shown how they improve your life. While drive-through food has its merits, nothing can outdo a great home-cooked dinner, made with love.

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