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Nutrition: It Can Make You Or Break You! Try These Ideas!

If you're one of the many people who think that eating healthy is expensive and doesn't taste very good, think again! Eating a healthy diet can be very simple and easy, as well as delicious! Read on for some easy tips on eating delicious food that's good for your body.

Help to treat seasonal affective disorder in the winter months. Many of us find ourselves feeling a little down during the cold, dark winter months, but eating certain foods can help to improve our mood. Eat at least four cups of fruits and vegetables per day, and concentrate on whole grains. This will help to raise serotonin levels. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in certain fish, olive oil and flaxseed, can help to enhance your mood. If possible avoid all forms of caffeine, as this decreases serotonin levels.

Fortify your food choices with a naturally found nutrient called inulin. Inulin can be found in garlic, artichokes and leeks. It is a powerful carbohydrate and not only will it help you shed pounds, it can help prevent digestive problems. Garlic is an excellent immune booster as well. Try blanching garlic to reduce odor if you are worried about garlic breath or opt to take a odorless garlic supplement.

As you age, your ability to fight off illness and heart disease weakens. Prevent this by eating plenty of food enriched with vitamins and minerals. Staying with a diet that includes these kinds of food, has been shown to stave off heart disease and strokes in aging women.

Making spaghetti sauce for your family is easy and with a few extra ingredients it can be more nutritious. The next time you make spaghetti sauce, try adding minced carrots or stirring in pureed baby-food carrots. These ingredients will enhance the flavor. Your family will never notice the extra veggies, but will benefit from the extra nutrition.

Limit your consumption of processed foods. Not only do these foods usually not have any healthy nutrients for your body, but they also may contain things that are completely unnatural. Nitrates and trans fats are often found in processed foods. These unnatural items can cause major health problem when you consume them over time, so steer clear.

If you feel like you don't have enough energy to get through the day, try eating more fruits, vegetables and grains. These foods are filled with vitamins and minerals. They also have a very low fat content and are a great source of complex carbohydrates. They will help you get through your tired part of the day.

A good nutrition tip is to not obsess over food labels and macronutrients. You should enjoy life by eating whatever you want to eat. The key to staying healthy is eating food in moderation. Eating too much of any kind of food can be bad for you.

Make sure you're not consuming an excess of Vitamin A if you're pregnant. Too much Vitamin A can cause birth defects or natural liver detox toxicity in the baby. Don't take any Vitamin A supplements while you're pregnant without first checking with your doctor. You shouldn't intake more than 10,000 (IU's) of Vitamin A while pregnant.

When eating red meat, always consider how much is really enough. It's easy to look at that a big and juicy steak and think the "bigger the better" but, red meat is very hard for your body to digest. In fact, in large amounts it can really affect your health. So instead of the twelve ounce steak, substitute it for a three to six ounce cut. Or better yet, substitute in white meat, it's a healthier choice.

Eating as many fruits and vegetables as you can will boost your nutrition. They are filled with essential vitamins and minerals and will also help your immune system stay strong. Make sure to still eat your protein at meals, just try to eat a smaller amount and if you feel like snacking, pick up some carrot sticks.

These tips have provided you with some information that can help you start eating healthier and leading a healthier life. Now you just need to get organized. Enter some reminders in your diary or calendar, especially regarding your next shopping list. Good health to you!